Jason Bosch with IWWH Ep 05: The Big Tech Education Takeover in Tulsa ~ Julianne Romanello, October 20, 2020
IWWH Ep 05: The Big Tech Education Takeover in Tulsa ~ Julianne Romanello – YouTube
Jason Bosch with IWWH Ep 05: The Big Tech Education Takeover in Tulsa ~ Julianne Romanello, October 20, 2020
IWWH Ep 05: The Big Tech Education Takeover in Tulsa ~ Julianne Romanello – YouTube
Effington says:
Woot. You made your point. Comments on video reproduced here
-1- “There is a potential the investor won’t be paid back.” Bwa hahahahaha. Let me assure you they will be paid back. This is going to be so corrupt it’s all a sad joke. Balmer will tell Gates if you Ok my payback I will Ok yours. Doomberg will say if you don’t Ok mine you are anti-se…….
-2- Steve Balmer says “Let’s reinvent poverty!”