
Digital Currency Dialectic

“The elimination of cash will be a consequence of digital payment systems – whether public or private – proliferating. The reality is that, in a cashless world, every transaction will leave a digital trace, such that the transaction is either [viewable] by a private payments provider or by the central bank or some government agency.” […]


Comprehensive Planning Buzzwords

Comprehensive plans are tools adopted by government, its agencies, partners, and/or proxies (including task forces, working groups, stakeholder councils, community organizations, civil society partners and the like) to establish the language, goals, and strategies for transforming all aspects of existing social, political, and economic structures and their operations to conform to the United Nations’ 1974 […]


List of NWO Buzzwords

In August, I posted a draft of collected terms associated with the Reset to Facebook. Many people suggested additions to that collection, and I thought of several of my own, which I’ve incorporated here, in Draft 2.0. This list – loosely organized by topic – still doesn’t include many tech-related terms. Here is a link […]


Dark Inclusive Spirituality

Beware of dark ‘inclusive’ spirituality masquerading as light. Transformative change-making is an arm of the 4IR NWO, based on Communitarian social theory (not Sacred Scripture). Period. The appeal to people of faith to create ‘positive impact’ in their communities is a perversion of the virtue of Christian charity (and its analogues in other faith-traditions). Charity […]


Cognitive Cities and Social Inclusion

Are you ready for COGNITIVE CITIES? Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is already adopting Cognitive City technology. Notice how Cognitive Cities focus on INCLUSIVENESS.  This buzzword ultimately intends to substitute the Hive Mind Singularity for rational, independent thought. Both Smart and Cognitive Cities do your thinking for you – the individual becomes nothing but a node in […]


Economic Reset – from Fixed Capital to Human Capital

The economic reset is designed to turn all businesses into social change agents and soft enforcers of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  Employees are to be seen at all times as brand ambassadors for the companies that employ them.  This means that there will be no meaningful difference between “on- and off-the-clock.” Adherence to HR […]


Recent Radio and Podcasts

Heading Level 4 In this radio show, former Oklahoma State Senator Jake Merrick and I discuss the roll-out of Smart Cities in Oklahoma, the ways that the promise of “Economic Development” is beguiling Oklahomans, and what we can do as a state to protect our rights and the rule of law against an increasingly powerful […]


Smart City or Surveillance City: Presentation to Newcastle, Australia

This is a recording of a presentation I was honored to give to a group in Newcastle, Australia about the transition to the Impact Economy and how the city’s Smart City Plan is integral to it. Smart cities collect the data that makes the Impact Economy viable – ubiquitous surveillance provides “proof of impact,” which […]


Measured, Managed, and Monetized – HBR laid it out in 2007

The financial cartel have been setting up the New Inclusive Economy, based on a model of social-engineering-as-a-service, for over 15 years. Inclusive means that EVERYTHING and EVERYONE will be “measured and managed.” This Harvard Business Review article argues that having a comprehensive approach to the MANAGEMENT of PEOPLE SYSTEMS has strong PREDICTIVE VALUE for a […]


The Long-Term Con Job

The phrase “long-term value” – as a goal of or approach to the new economic order – signifies the transition TO Impact/ESG outcomes and investments (FROM real goods and services) as the fundamental unit of economic value. “Long-term” is a phrase that operates as a sort of risk-management strategy. You’ll likely never see materialized the […]


American Crossroads II

Imagine a young girl, maybe 20 years of age, who has been courted by an older man for a long time. He spoiled her with flattery and gifts and she felt on top of the world. Her parents were no where to be found, and the young girl came to depend wholly on the older […]


A Futurist’s View of Meta

A Glimpse into the Future The following questions were occasioned by this interview write-up: Looking into the Future of Work, Relationships and the with Liselotte Lyngsøhumans-with-liselotte-lyngs/ How appealing are the following innovations, each of which is described in the above interview as a possibility in the not-so-distant future? ●Licking your phone to experience gourmet aromas […]


Racial Equity to Cover (Up) a Multitude of Sins

Over the past decade, and especially since 2020, billionnaires, mega-corporations, and the government have, with growing intensity and volume and in the same words and images, called on civil society, business, and the public to end systemic racism. There is something curious about the fact that these groups – which have long histories of exploiting […]


The Access Pass

Please watch this 3-minute-long promo video for Grapheal’s TestNPass application. This is the “solution” (digital identity health pass) that has motivated the “problem” (the declared illness) and the “reaction” (the economic and social collapse that will justify the Build Back Better, or Great Reset). More than Simply a Health Pass This digital credential-verifying technology eventually […]


You Are the Product – Ocean Protocol

Here’s a short talk about Ocean Protocol – a new ‘solution’ for the problem that we don’t own our own data. In other words, the problem that the data that we generate (through all sorts of signals intelligence, e.g. Fb) belongs to and is monetized by the giant data-capture companies, leaving us as merely ‘the […]


American Crossroads I

Besides facebook reactions, I don’t have any way of knowing who has read or considered the information that I share in my posts. I hope the information I share – which deals with the CLEAR AND PRESENT danger to AMERICANS’ BUSINESSES, BANK ACCOUNTS, and BILL OF RIGHTS might somehow reach individuals who have the COURAGE […]


Propaganda: Technopreneurship

I recently came across this excellent little piece of 4IR-start-up-venture propaganda, written by TheCodeWorkTeam: https://thecodework.com/blog/what-is-technopreneurship-meaning-business-model/ It was the occasion for a few reflections on corporate marketing in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The 4IR isn’t only about technological upheaval, transhumanism, and surveillance – it’s also about “blurring the lines” https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/ between what’s real […]


Corporate Governance and Social Impact Finance

This has been the goal for a long time – corporate global governance, enforced by advanced monitoritoring technology and social credit scores. We are seeing the final stages of the maturation of the techno-fascist surveillance state, which began in earnest 19 years before the Covid 19 epidemic: on 9/11/2001. Then, in 2010, Richard Florida, an […]


Framing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Inclusive Capitalism Video Series

Framing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Inclusive Capitalism Video Series Overview of the Framework of Inclusive Capitalism – Recorded Live In this video series, I offer a general introduction to the Framework for Inclusive Capitalism, which is the plan for a new global, “sustainable,” economic system that is to be managed by a collaboration between […]


George Kaiser’s Social Impact Philanthropy: How a Billionaire Transformed North Tulsa’s Misery Into a Cash Cow (Part 1)

George Kaiser’s Social Impact Philanthropy: How a Billionaire Transformed North Tulsa’s Misery Into a Cash Cow (Part 1)   This article was previously published by the TulsaStar, a North-Tulsa focused news site, in December of 2019.  I have made slight revisions to update information. Original article image.  Original artwork by Patrick Norman which appeared in […]

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